"YOU COULD START BY CONVINCING A FRIEND" Interview with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (Winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize in Peace)
From SHAMBALA SUN January 1996
ASSK: Well, I was born a Buddhist and brought up a Buddhist, so it is very difficult for me to separate what is Buddhist in me from what is not Buddhist in me. It's a question that I find very difficult to answer.
Quoted from Aung San Suu Kyi (http://homepages.tesco.net/~ghoutman/pdfs/04part4.pdf)
she has said that there is no conflict between Buddhist and political pursuits, that ‘politics is about people, and you can't separate people from their spiritual values’.
Movie quotes
“Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks): I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.”
“Forrest: Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get.”
Wonder Boys is a darkly comic ensemble film about finding your purpose, taking action and pushing forward to achieve it – don't sit idle ... James (Toby Maguire): “His heart, once capable of inspiring others so completely could no longer inspire so much as itself. It beat now only out of habit, it beat now only because it could. - The Film Nest Archive Films-U-Missed
Blast From the Past (1999) Troy = Brendan Fraser, Eve = Alicia Silverstone
"Manners are a way of showing other people we care about them.
Troy: He thinks I'm a gentleman and you're a lady.
Eve: [disgusted] Well, consider the source! I don't even know what a lady is.
Troy: I know, I mean I thought a "gentleman" was somebody that owned horses. But it turns out, his short and simple definition of a lady or a gentleman is, someone who always tries to make sure the people around him or her are as comfortable as possible.
Eve: Where do you think he got all that information?
Troy: From the oddest place - his parents. I mean, I don't think I got that memo from mine." |The Internet Movie Database|
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